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Pierpont Church
of the Nazarene
Care for infants and toddlers
We provide nursery care for children under 2 years old. Our purpose in the nursery is to provide a worshipful, educational and safe environment for the children, and to connect and embrace their families as part of Pierpont Nazarene.
In the nursery your child will learn about the love of Jesus in a variety of ways; through songs, story time, snack time, and playtime during his or her time with us.
We look forward to meeting your child and you the next time you are here!
Nursery care is available during the following times:
Sundays 9 - 10:15am (Sunday School)
10:15 - 11:45am (A.M. worship)
Wednesdays 6:15 - 7:30pm (kid's Life, teen L.I.F.E!, adult groups)

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