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Preschool Behavior Plan & Discipline Policy

Rules for a happy classroom:

  • Looking eyes

  • Listening ears

  • Quiet lips

  • Walking feet

  • Hands to yourself

  • Our goal is to train your child to have age appropriate classroom behaviors. Working together as a Preschool Team, we have come up with a plan to reinforce these behaviors in the classroom.


"Train up a child in the way he should go

and when he is old, he will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Consequences for misbehavior:

  • Non verbal reminder (teacher may point to her ears to remind a child he/she should be listening)

  • Verbal reminder ("Sarah, turn on your listening ears.")

  • Removal of token ("Tom, I am going to take a reminder token because you are not being a good listener.")

  • Removal of 2nd token and time out ("Kate, you need to go to time out because you were not a good listener.")

  • At the end of the day each child will assess his/her behavior with his/her teacher. Here we will review each chart and reward children who have at least one of their tokens left. If they lost all their tokens, we will discuss ways to help them keep them the next time.


  • Usually at the end of the school week, each child who has maintained positive behavior and/or shown marked improvement will be given an opportunity to earn a prize from the prize box. This will be at the discretion of the teacher, and is usually quite effective in creating consistent positive behavior.


*A Note on Time Out

Time Out will be used as a time for our students to regroup and think about their behavior. We will practice sitting in time out at the beginning of the year so it is not a threatening punishment. If you have any questions about how time out will be used, please do not hesitate to contact.

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